Friday 30 July 2010

Weekend Bliss

This weekend we'll be attempting (again) to head to the beach. Last weekend it was a bit too windy and before we knew it it was 7:00 p.m.!

What are you up to this weekend, my lovelies?

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Yesterday, for the first time in ages, I bought myself a glossy mag; Glamour (UK), to be exact. I used to buy magazine quite regularly when I was younger; however, not so much in recent years. August's issue had a free book with it however and so I thought that I'd treat myself :)

I actually read it from cover to cover (the mag that is not the book) taking in all the adverts and the nuances, paying attention to the typography, the layout, the design... I really made the most out of it and loved every second of it. 

I love (love!) the fashion pages; however, I couldn't help but notice that most of the clothes that they used were quite high-end, designer stuff i.e. expensive! Maybe it was always like that and I never realised before; however, I did see a gorgeous pair of ankle books but when I saw that they were retailing at £275... well, not quite ready for that!

This was also the issue of the Glamour Awards and there was the story of Patrick Stewart having a go at host and comedian James Corden. Quite shocking for such an actor - and he really should know better than to have a go at a comedian!!

Moreover in their beauty section I took notice of all their make-up tips and tricks (usually I just glance and flip the page) but this time I paid attention to all their beauty regime advice from having beautiful skin by exfoliating and moisturising to having beautiful legs whether you opt to shave, wax or have laser hair removal.

One particular tiny article (that could easily be missed) which left me with an 'OMG' expression is that apparently the trend for eyebrows is straight and thick this season. Why?! Why have an eyebrow trend? Just see what suits your face shape and stick to it is what I say. This is your face - what people look at first, why would you mess around with something (almost) permanent just to follow a trend?

So, yeah, that left me somewhat dumbfounded; having said that, I think I may have discovered a new love for glossy mags :)

Monday 26 July 2010

Let Me Introduce You... Treva Travels

Another person whom you really should know about is my friend Trevor who is living a wonderful life in Italy and all over Europe with GAP Adventures. He's been trekking, climbing, walking - appreciating nature in its most basic form and in its entirety. And then there's the wonderful cuisine that comes along with these countries.

To accompany his descriptive writings that make you want to immediately pack your bags and jet off to some mountain region or idyllic countryside, Trev also takes some wonderful photos of the places that he visits. The visual pleasures that one achieves from these images is too stunning for words.

Leave him a note and he'll gladly let you know where the best place for that particular holiday is. He's already recommended a fabulous, romantic destination for 2 to me (not sharing though! :P)

Friday 23 July 2010

Summer in the Med

Summertime in Malta is pretty much what we're all about. Yes, there's a lot more to the island; however, being an island in the Mediterranean it's inevitable that people associate it with blue skies, blue seas and a scorching sun. And to be fair, they're not far wrong... at all.

Current temperatures are reaching the mid-30s (according to the Met Office); however, I'm positive that in the baking midday sun it's hitting the 40 Celcius mark. So, if you live in a hot country, or somewhere where the temperatures are rising, I salute you. Let me know where you live and what the heat is like there. In the meantime I've got to get myself defuzzed (still saving for my laser hair removal) and off to the beach this weekend to get tanned and jump into the sea :) 

Thursday 22 July 2010

Let Me Introduce You... Lotsie Potsie

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine who is a wonderful artist. Art is one of those things that not everyone can create, and even then, not everyone can create well. However, Yasmin has a wonderful gift that she puts to great use in creating the most vivid, beautiful art that is full of expression and emotion. We were at school together and she was always one of those that shone in Art class.

You can see her work over at Yasmin Modi and I recommend that you take a particular look at her pot designs on the Lotsie Potsie side bar tab. There are so many different and varied designs that it's difficult to choose! I can't wait to set up my front balcony though and have these pots on show - best balcony of the apartment block by far!  

Friday 16 July 2010

All That Jazz

The wonderful thing about summertime is open air events. Now, here in Malta anything outside during summer could easily go wrong due to the oppressive heat, the mosquitoes and the undeniable firework blasts from a nearby village feast. However, when everything is right with the world and karma is on our side an outdoor evening event can be relaxing, fun and entertaining; especially on a Friday knowing that there's no work for the next two days. And tonight I'm hoping that everything will be balanced and agreeable as we're going to the Malta Jazz Festival.

This show happens annually and is quite a big hit; however, I've never actually been! So this year I decided that I'd like to try it out and see what it's got to offer. It's for the weekend with different acts performing; however, my friend said that one of tonight's acts is amazing which was good enough for us.

From the culture of tonight, we'll be heading to the world of cinema tomorrow as it's Cinema Day and I finally get to watch Letters to Juliet and Shrek in 3D.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Just the way it is

Isn't it somewhat terrible, and possibly even a little bit sad, that we are so constrained by time? And then by money? And indeed time does really equal money.

It's all too common noawadays that you just feel that there isn't enough time for everything; at least, not if you actually plan on sleeping. And even if you had to give that up it sometimes isn't enough! There are so many things that I want to (and need to) do, yet, finding time to do them proves to be a bigger chore than the chore itself.

So what do you do? Leave things undone, or forgoe other things, or try and juggle it all and hopefully not wind up with a nervous breakdown?

This week is developing into one of those jam-packed ones where time is definitely not on my side; perhaps I'll catch up with time next week or possibly the one after. In the meantime, I guess it's just the way it is.

Wednesday 7 July 2010


My colleague told me about this video clip which explains the difference between a man's brain and a woman's brain. It's funny, very funny, yet makes perfect sense!

In a nutshell, Mark Gungor says that men's brains are like tool boxes with small compartmentalized drawers where each drawer is dedicated to one, single subject such as Football, The Car, The Wife/GF, The Job. When a man needs to think about one of these subjects the drawer is opened, he thinks and then the drawer is closed. One subject at a time.

On the other hand, a woman's brain is like a ball of wire. Each thought is a 'strand' of wire; however, all the wires are meshed together so each single thought will spark off another thoughts because they're all intertwined.

There are more examples so watch the clip ;)

Friday 2 July 2010

House Proud

Now that we're back home with no intention of going away for the foreseeable future we went to the supermarket yesterday and bought lots of lovely foodstuffs. As well as a new broom and dustpan - and, odd as it may sound, I've already used them and was pleased with the result.

So we now have an (almost) fully-stocked fridge, we realised that we forgot a couple of things when we got back home, which looks very inviting :) There's something about full fridges that's very welcoming.

My plan for the summer is Project: Home as I want to add plants and set up the balcony and just really have fun seeing it all come together.