Monday 5 January 2009


Back to work today after Christmas & New Years leave. It was a good day because I didn't feel as though I had been gone for ages but just enough to have a break and come back and pick up with new energy. And today was also the beginning of my Gym-for-30-days strategy. I'm got myself a month's membership at Le Meridien gym - being next door is utterly convenient - and I had a really nice, invigorating session. After the first 3 months my thighs were burning (so unfit! lol) but I stuck it out on the machine for 15 minutes. And then I spent just over 30 minutes on the treadmill at an incline and a decent speed - power walking not jogging yet. Slowly I'll increase my stamina and increase my workout. But 30 days is a good biteable chunk of time that isn't too overwhelming. And hopefully once the time is up I'll be in a rhythm where I'll sign up for another month.

I love my RSS feeds. I come across the wildest stuff like Catholic Google or GodTube. The search is basically Google with Safe Search permanently on, and it's meant to bring up Catholic-approved searches although it tends to jump off the rails at times apparently!

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