Friday 26 December 2008

Boxing Day

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Mine was very quiet - lunch at home, followed by a long drive and then a DVD in the evening. I finally watched Sex & the City: The Movie! I hadn't gone to the grand opening because I was in Lanzarote when it came out here and then I never got round to watching it at the cinema, so yesterday as I was scrolling through the film titles I saw it and decided that I must watch it! It was sweet =)

This morning I watched a Christmas film on TV which was cute! It was about Santa's son, Nick (obviously), who is taking over the responsibility and one of his reindeer gets kidnapped and sold to a zoo... so some hassles ensue but it obviously turns out ok in the end and the presents are delivered and Nick finds himself a wife. Awwww...

Now I'm at work at SJ Cav, got another 55 minutes here. And I'm back here tomorrow morning too. But I still feel that I'm on leave since I'm not going into the office this week and next!

I think this evening I'll get down to downloading some more apps to my iPhone. My brother got a light saber on his which is hilarious and an old telephone dial which you can actually call with but it takes ages! I remember our old telephone at home, it was black and lived in the sitting room.

I got some great presents though! I'm wearing 2 of them at the moment =) A really warm fluffy scarf from Secret Santa @ SJ Cav and a lovely pair of earrings from my ma.

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