Friday, 10 March 2006

Blogging - a cure or a curse?

I am going to prepare an assignment about blogging! How cool is that? It's specifically about how blogging has invaded the Maltese/Maltese islands. If anyone would like to be forever remembered in my assignment feel free to comment. I need to find out about the history of blogging, amount of Maltese blogs, why people blog, and why people prefer to blog in one language as opposed to another... finally, an assignment worth reading.

1 comment:

  1. ok... i remember i did my first blog about 6 years ago, inspired by my fellow american geeks, and never crossed my minfd that other maltese would eventually meet this invention. Infact I'm still not sure who was the first maltese blogger. My first blog was more of a geeky technical reference online book where i posted tricks of the trade regarding programming and UNIX environments. Eventually it was so personal and so geeky at the same time that it was never visited by anyone :/ It wasn't meant to be visited by anyone except by me anyways...

    Last year I decided to make a new blog, which will also be my website ( and gave the blog a more popular definition of a blog - entries understood by most of the people - no technical stuff, no fancy words, no poems - just raw words, simple sentences, because it is supposed to be understood not interpreted.

    Now stand 3 feet away from the monitor, bow, and you're given permission to quote me. tee hee... :)


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