Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Of brains and brides, and bitter cold

As of yesterday I am no longer on probation but am a successfully employed full-time employee =) Today is actually my 6-month anniversary because I started work on the 28th July 2008! The time has flown for sure. I was very pleased with my appraisal and soon I'll be having a meeting with the boss to discuss pushing up my ka-ching! factor ;)

Yesterday we had another work meal and we went to Hanks where naturally something has to go 'wrong'. We had a really incompetent waitress who looked and sounded like Girl from Mars, and although we had booked our table it wasn't ready and they tried to squeeze 8 people on 3 small tables! We made them add another table because it was ludicrous to be so squashed, especially since the place wasn't even full! But the food was good. I had a chicken salad with nuts which was very tasty.

This evening I went to the 6:30 p.m. film with Niki. We went to watch Bride Wars which is a really sweet, girly film! We were 6 people in the cinema, three girl couples hehe. I don't think any man would live through that kind of film. So I told Niki that we must not get married on the same day! Hehe...

I am dying with this cold weather. My toes freeze to the point of numbness and I can barely function when I'm outside, and tomorrow afternoon we're going on a tour! I'm thinking two pairs of socks and my tennis shoes cos I cannot wear anything thicker than pop socks with my boots and that is why my toes freeze :/ Plus scarf, gloves and beanie hehe. Roll on summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for the visit to my blog. Your blog is really cool! I like the way you write and the topics are interesting too. Red (hubby) likes it too.

    I really want to watch that film (Bride wars)but I have to wait for it to be for rent because as you well said, it would be rare for a man to live through it LOL.

    Looking forward to more posts! :)


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