Friday, 3 February 2006

Masquerade Ball

I love the following limericks, courtesy of MaltaGirl - the one and only Karnivalesque blogger ;)

G wants a place of her own
somewhere that she can call home
six rooms and a yard
but it could be hard
"I've no money!" she said with a groan

The prospect of doing collation
doesn't fill our friend G with elation
Martin said, for a grad
doesn't have to be bad
just because you did communication

Have you met seftura Joyce?
she's got quite a distinctive voice
she likes feel free
to take over G
and doesn't give much of a choice


  1. What a massive Karnival that was ej?

  2. She really put a lot of thought and effort into it

  3. Because you're worth it... ;-)

  4. because she had nothing more useful to do :D


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