Thursday, 24 May 2012

Inviting Trouble

I received some very good news this week. One of my very good, old friends (old in terms of how long I've known him, not age!) has confirmed that he's coming to the wedding :) He's just coming down for the weekend because it's a really busy time for him at work but I'm so pleased and grateful for it. In fact I had been waiting for his reply because I've now asked him to be one of the readers and he's accepted, so Reader #1 has been selected!

Till now everything has gone really well with all the preparations, but we're currently encountering a hiccup with the invitations which should have already been printed and in hand, yet we're still in the proofing process! I kept postponing the date for when I wanted them because I know the person who's designing and printing them, and the last date I gave was 1 June - but at this stage there's no way we're going to hit that. I know that invitations are typically sent out 3 weeks before, however we have a large foreign contingent and I don't want to leave things till the last minute. I also want to give myself time to write and address them all. Hopefully this will sort itself out quickly and we can continue with more smooth sailing.


  1. Gi everything will turn out ok :) The 3 week rule is usually for people in the same country, people in foreign countries usually need it much earlier (to be able to book flights and so). However nowadays a save the date for the foreigners months before is enough really.

  2. Yes, yes I know. We sent the Save the Dates out ages ago but I still want the invitations on the date that I asked for them :)


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