Well that's Christmas Day 2011 over with. How was yours?
We had a relatively quiet day with lunch with the immediate family, followed by tea with more family members and some extended family too. I love seeing the family going through cycles of growing larger and then smaller and then larger again, as the kids grow up and then have their own kids and then they grow up and have their own kids. Seeing Christmas through a kid's eyes is rather magical.
We always have Father Christmas who comes to visit at Christmas time and hands out presents to the kids and the little ones, the 2 and 3 year olds, were mesmerized by his appearance. So cute!
So now we're in that final week of the year - the one between Christmas and New Year - and there are invitations to houses and parties and just generally meeting people which is always nice.
And soon we're going to be heading in 2012 which is going to be a huge year for me! Turning 30 and getting married - those are two major life landmarks and I'm looking forward to both :) Yes, even the turning 30 one...
What are you looking forward to in 2012?
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