Monday, 27 September 2010

Come on, Patrick!

This weekend held the annual MADC One Act Play Festival - a festival of plays for newbie actors and directors. I did my first One Act in 2005 where I played the role of Joyce in The Fat Lady sings in Little Grimley - she was a lot of fun to play. Since then I've participated every year, bar 2008, where I was ASM (assistant stage manager) rather than an actor.

This year I was cast in Group Therapy where I played Susan, a ditzy woman-child with an imaginary friend named Patrick. Great fun though quite difficult to play because I had to converse with Patrick so I was essentially talking to no one. The play is an original script written by the director so we had a lot of fun with it.

The Festival ends with adjudications and awards from three judges. Group Therapy took three of the six awards being Best Director, Most Promising Actor and Most Promising Actress. The other awards are Best Production and Best Actor/Actress.

The only pity is that we only get to perform twice. And this year the judges didn't include the nominations for the awards before announcing the winner - after all it's nice to be nominated :)

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