Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Calling all bloggers....

EDIT: it might be a better idea to set a date for the meet, so how about THURSDAY 10 AUGUST?

Please suggest venues! :) Final decision to be taken by the end of this week.

Since there are more people in the Will and Grace cast, than there were at the last bloggers meet, it's been decided that another one should be organised, where hopefully more people can attend.

Week proposed: 7-13 August (one day during this week - though not Monday cos I already have plans; so 8 - 13 August!)

Venue is to be decided but any suggestions will be appreciated and taken into consideration. Keep in mind space and prices when coming up with something, so unless you'd like to be incredibly altruistic, we cannot meet at Blue Elephant. If someone has a nice terrace, garden or roof where he/she would like to host the do, that would be fantastic and then everyone will put on their aprons and bring some culinary delights; or do as I do and buy something from the supermarket :)

All bloggers are invited, even if you're not regular commentators (commenters?) or are very shy. Most bloggers are very nice, dejjem issib dawk it-tnejn antipici imma x'taghmel?! :P Seriously, leave a comment here or at Maltagirl's blog and let's have a proper bloggers bash.


  1. I wish I could come too :) But I am way too far way

  2. A very good idea, and I wish you the best of luck so that it wil be a successful activity.

    When will more details be forthcoming?

  3. Uummm.. am I on the rolls? Given the fact that i'll touchdown on the 4th of Aug?

    pliss pliss pliss.. :p

  4. Of course you are! I didn't G-Spam you cos I wasn't sure when you'd be here. Keep checking back for details :)

  5. I will only be able to decide tomorrow when my roster will be revealed to me by the almighty manager. If I'm not working, count me in!

    Me, as far as I know there are no strict rules. You'll definitely be more than welcome. What does G think?

  6. :( I'm really sorry I'll be away from the 10th - 14th...

  7. 10th is perfect for me! yes, please no expensive places (shall i re-suggest) mqabba band club? but the Pea has to come too!) Reesa

  8. Andre: Pity

    Reesa: Let 'er know :)

    Venue is still open for discussion.

  9. *sniffff* I feel so homesick. Have a Kinnie in my honour!

  10. Athena: I'm sure there'll be someone who likes Kinnie who'll do that, cos I don't like it! :)

  11. I'm at Naasha's in San Gwann on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Come see me there...or let me know if you want to come see the show this weekend.

  12. I'm in Gozo between the 7th and 14th. Have a good meet!

  13. I thought Nashaa was closed till the 16th August


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