Wednesday, 15 March 2006

Crack that whip

This is to inform Zemp and any other dirty-minded men (tee hee) that I did not get bruised as a result of too much rough sex!!!

Although if you are bruised as a result of that, Zemp recommends knee pads. Apparentely he knows!


  1. he knows? tee hee eheee

  2. Coemgen... I think Zemp's comment says it all


  3. one woof - yes
    two woofs - no
    remember the joke?

  4. OH!

    Well, I cannot send it to you by mail coz you got no address available, and thinking about it, I cannot either blog it coz it is a joke that HAS TO BE TOLD because of certain effects that would definitely get lost along the way!

    Maybe, if you remember about it and we're both present for the next bloggers' meeting (have to bug Maltagirl to organise another one soon!)....I'll remember it.


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